Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is a mandatory subject in secondar schools in England. It focuses on enabling pupils to make well-informed, positive choices for themselves. In an age-appropriate and inclusive way, it covers a range of topics:
Appropriate and responsible sex education is an important element in preparing pupils for adult life. Parents are the key figures in helping their children to cope with physical and emotional aspects of growing up and in preparing them for the challenges and responsibilities which sexual maturity brings. The teaching offered by the school will complement and support the role of parents regarding this topic however, some parents may not feel able to discuss sexual matters fully and freely with their children and because of this the school has a clear responsibility to ensure that pupils are adequately prepared for adult life .
The physical aspects of sexual behaviour are covered within the teaching of Science. Emotional and health aspects of sex and relationships are addressed in the PSHE program. We work hard to promote safety with all of our pupils.
When teaching these sensitive issues, our tutors always maintain political impartiality and present contested views in an unblanaced way.