Students set their own personal academic and social targets and agree to these with their tutor. This gives them a sense of responsibility and encourages them to think about why certain behaviours are not acceptable and can be harmful to themselves and others.
The Dojo Points System on the Class Dojo app is used to promote good behaviour at West Midlands Education & Skills by rewarding positive actions and empowering students.
Possible points:
At the end of each week, these points will be counted and the student with the highest number of points will win the Student of the Week Award – an award which includes a certificate, as well as a £20 voucher.
Students cannot lose these points. If a student gains three points for following instructions on Monday, they will not be deducted for not following instructions on the Tuesday, instead, they will decrease their likelihood of winning the Student of the Week Award by not gaining points on that day.
The aim of Dojo points is to encourage students to practice positive behaviour, increase engagement levels, as well as encouraging them to attend.
At the end of the term, we reward the pupils with the highest attendance, for example a restaurant meal and visit to Birmingham Symphony Hall.