Parents & Carers

We consider our relationship with parents and carers to be vital. We use the Class Dojo app to communicate regularly with our families.

On Class Dojo, you will find the ‘School Story’ where we share key messages, dates and updates for all families.

You can also Direct Message with tutors and with Senior Leadership. Ask us anything-we're here to listen.

West Midlands Unique Students Education
West Midlands Unique Students Education

As well as regular communication via Class Dojo, we offer parents the opportunity to book an appointment for a Communication Meeting on site or via video call over Microsoft Teams in the Spring Term. It is expected that all parents attend. Look at the School Story on Class Dojo for further details of dates.

In addition, we send home termly written reports, detailing success and areas of focus across the curriculum. Details of student behaviour and a general comment about your child/young person’s effort and progress at our school is included.