
We believe that school attainment and success are closely linked with regular attendance, so we, therefore, expect your child to attend school daily.

All parents/carers of a student who will not be attending school through illness etc are required to telephone the school office before 9am to give the reason. If no valid reason is shared, then the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. By law, only the school can authorise an absence.

The Local Authority’s Education Welfare Service investigates unexplained absences.  We aim for 95% attendance, which allows for illness absence.  If a student's attendance is below 90%, this is considered persistent absence and they will be monitored by the Education Welfare Service. 

If, for very exceptional circumstances, you need to request absence from School for your child during school time, such as a hospital appointment, you should apply to the school, as soon as possible showing evidence, by letter/Class Dojo message. The school will confirm whether the absence is authorised or unauthorised.

Dental or medical treatment should be arranged after school, or during school holidays. We do not authorise holidays during school term time. Research has found that two weeks absence can seriously affect examination results by taking time off school for holidays, parents are encouraging their child to fail. Cheap holidays will reduce the academic achievement of your child.

At the end of the term, we reward the pupils with the highest attendance. 

Our latest reward was to take pupils for lunch and to the Symphony Hall in Birmingham for a performance.  

West Midlands Unique Students Education
West Midlands Unique Students Education
West Midlands Unique Students Education